Saturday, November 14, 2009

Crack Yourself Up

That's what the next blog suggestion is - but what does that mean? I'm not quite sure how to do that on my blog. If I did know, it would probably be a lot more interesting. As it is, today has been one of those quiet, melancholy ones for me. Not that there wasn't anything to do. I spent many hours helping a roommate prepare food for her birthday party that was this evening. While chopping food or running errands, one has time to think, so I guess that's kind of what I did. And I missed having one of my kindred spirits around to talk to. If they were around in my life all the time, however, I probably wouldn't appreciate them nearly as much as I do, so it's probably a good thing that there are dry spells sometimes. I am sending out affectionate thoughts to those special friends tonight.

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