Thursday, July 17, 2008

Road Trip - The 4th of July

Happy Independence Day, America!! I really feel rather ashamed because I didn't put as much thought into the day as I should have. However, it was nice to spend it with family. I haven't been with my parents for the 4th for years. My grandma, parents, sister, and I headed over to my uncle's home that afternoon for a delicious barbecue. I sampled a couple of different kinds of brats. Some of us watched a really long program on the Military channel for awhile - at least that reminded me about what I was celebrating that day. We played Washers - I had never done that before. I didn't go watch fireworks with my sister and cousin later that night. I guess I've already seen enough over the last several years to last me for awhile. All in all, it was just a nice day spent with family.

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