Monday, May 30, 2011

Baby Steps

I need to go to bed; it's way after my bedtime. The boy would be impressed with the hours I'm trying to keep now. However, I just wanted to report what I think is a little step in the right direction. I was away for the weekend for my brother's reception. When I got back today, I found out that my roommate wasn't going to be home until tonight. I've hit the point now where I'm not so happy to be alone so much. I did not feel like it today, that's for sure. I considered texting the boy to see if he had plans tonight, even. In the end, though, I texted a friend to find out if there was anything going on tonight. He replied in the negative, so I invited him over to watch a movie. I told him he could invite a few people if he wanted to. Anyhow, he's the only one that came - I don't know if he invited anybody or not - and we watched a movie. I admit that I thought about the boy and how it would be watching the movie with him, but watching one with a different boy is a step, right?

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