Saturday, December 17, 2011


The pain hasn't been this bad in a long time, fortunately, but, man, is it frustrating. I went to a reception this evening for a roommate. I wanted to leave before the boy showed up. I told my other roommate that I didn't want to stay long. I've been staying out of touch lately, but I've had several dreams, and last night wasn't so great; today wasn't awesome, either. While at the reception, I saw the first guy that I kind of almost dated. Did that hurt? No. He's married and has a couple of kids, and I'm happy for him, and I'm glad that I got to see his family and him and chat with them a little.

My roommate wasn't rushed to leave; besides my being tired and not wanting to see the boy, etc., I enjoyed seeing lots of friends to say hi to. Now that I'm in a family congregation, I don't see my single friends very much. People who are away at school are getting home for the holidays, too. At any rate, we finally made our way to the hall; a couple of friends came in right before we left. I hugged one of them and was saying something when in came the boy, and my stomach leaped up my throat. I talked to him for a moment and told him about how I saw his signature at the bottom of the birthday card we gave to my niece last year on her birthday. He laughed when I told him a fun story about the same niece. Then I cried on the drive home.


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