Tonight I received some sad news - well, sad and not sad at the same time. Pres. Hinckley, the prophet for the past 12 years, died this evening around 7:00 p.m. I chose this picture of him because he was usually as cheerful as he looks in the photo. I hope it was legal for me to put it on here. I think it was. If not, someone can tell me and I'll change it.
One of my friends called and told me the news. He wanted me to get onto the Internet to see if I could verify it. It took me awhile to get into a Utah news station's web-site. I think Latter-Day Saints everywhere were trying to do the same thing.
When I said something about how sad it was, one of my roommates said, "No, it's not sad." That's because we know where he is. Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley was a prophet of God, and he has returned to Him who he served. Not only that, but Pres. Hinckley's wife died a few years ago, and now he doesn't have to be separated from her.
Tonight, I just want to post how I feel about Pres. Hinckley. For years, my testimony, or conviction of who he was, was stronger than my feelings about most other things religious in nature. The Holy Ghost has witnessed to me more times than I can count, that this man was truly a prophet of the Lord. Pres. Hinckley has been the prophet since I was fifteen years old. Each General Conference, when I would get the opportunity to watch him speak, the Spirit would whisper to me that he really was the prophet. My heart would burn, and I often felt a little emotional. My conviction of who he was has helped me when I have had doubts about other parts of my testimony. I can recall one specific time when I questioned my testimony. As I questioned some things, I thought to myself, "Pres. Hinckley is a prophet of God. I know that, and because I know that, that means that the church is true. And because of that . . ." and so on. I will forever be grateful for this inspired man who revealed to me what the Lord wanted me to know for the last several years.
Happily, I know that just because Pres. Hinckley has moved on to the next stage of his progression, I am not left alone in the world. A new prophet will be called of God, and he will reveal God's word to me. I am so grateful for my testimony. It brings me such comfort and steadiness in the midst of this world and all that comes with it.