Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sorry for the Absence

I'm sorry that it's been so long since I have written.  I will try to change that and get back into a regular posting groove.  Maybe I'll revamp this place a little - I just moved, so why not make this a new place, too?  Last Monday, Jake, some of my family, and my roommate helped to finish packing me up. They loaded my trailer and a couple of vehicles, and Jake and I began our trek.  We spent the night at Lu's - I'm so glad we could because it had been awhile since I had last seen her, and I don't know when I will get to see her again.  It was fun chatting with her, as always.  The next morning we yakked a little more and then spent ALL DAY on the road; we finally made it that night, and I have been busy not-unpacking-much-at-a-time, applying for jobs, and spending time with Jake.  What a life, huh? My brother and sister-in-law are letting me live with them for a little while, and one of my favorite things about the situation so far is that they have really given me privacy - I sure appreciate that.  Anyway, so here begins a new adventure.  Wish me luck.  Or pray for me - that would be way better.

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