Sunday, May 27, 2012


So I shouldn't be stressed about school anymore because my students already had their last day, and I should just need to enter grades, but that is not the case this year.  I have a student who did a tremendous amount of work in the past few weeks in order to graduate this year.  Said student has completed so many courses and put in so many hours to try to make up for lots of procrastination.  I have been more lenient than I normally am with this student, as well as some others who also were down to the wire on whether or not they were going to graduate.  However, I've been stressing if I've been too lenient with this one.  My co-worker praises me for being super ethical, so I've been questioning myself on some of this student's work.  Do I pass the student even though some of the work is not to the standard I think it should be at because this student has done so much recently and worked so feverishly to finish?  Or do I make the student do some corrections with me to try to improve the assignment(s) to a point that I feel a little better about?  One of my friends, also a teacher, gave me her thoughts, but if any of you have some, I would love to hear them.

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