- Uncle Bucks - a restaurant we found near our actual destination. I didn't want to eat at a national chain, so we found this place, and it lived up to its name. The people there were "real, live Southerners," which was too exciting to me. I heard accents, I saw a man kiss a woman's hand, I ate corn fritters.
- Luray Caverns - it's this really cool
place that is full of stalactites and stalagmites. One of the cool things about it is an organ that uses the formations for the sounds.
- Next to the caverns is a car museum. Our fee for th
e caverns included the museum, so we walked around it. It seemed like a random thing to be next to the caverns, but it had some pretty sweet old cars.
- Skyline Drive - beautiful drive through part of the
Shenandoah National Park, I think.
- Margherita pizza for dinner - delicious!
- D.C. Temple - Sadly, when we got there, we realized it was closed. The visitor's center was open, though, so we we
nt in and walked through a beautiful exhibit they have right now of bronze sculptures depicting scenes of the Savior and His mortal ministry.
- Mt. Vernon - I was so excited to go there, and it was great! We first watched a little orientation video for Mt. Vernon (hosted by Pat Sajak, no less), as well as a short video about Pr
es. Washington. The video made me even more excited about being there because I was reminded about what a statesman he was. The grounds were totally beautiful - I can see why Pres. Washington loved his home so much.
There were many things that I didn't get to see. Hopefully I can return sometime, so I can visit more places. I agree with my friend that fall would be a good time.