You see, originally I had decided that I would watch the movies before reading the books, given my nature. I al
ways like a book after watching it's movie (except for The Scarlet Pimpernel, in which case the movie is better). I usually DO NOT like a movie if I have read the book first. Take Jane Eyre, for example. I read the book in high school and loved it enough that I say it is one of my two favorite books. The movie versions were awful - except for one, but I think that enough time had passed between reading the book and seeing that one that I wasn't so upset about changes/omissions anymore - maybe it really is an okay version, who knows? Anyway, I was afraid of over-hearing the end of the HP books, so I decided to finish them last year, which is what I did.
#6 is one of my most favorite HP books - that and #4. I have been anticipating an AMAZING movie for months now. The previews looked awesome, and I was looking forward to the best HP movie ever, I think. I was invited to a midnight screening - I have never been to one before. I decided to go. I google imaged Hermione pictures. I went shopping to several stores to try to piece together a Hogwarts costume. I bought makeup and nail polish. I drug my little bro all over the place looking for my costume and I made him tie my tie. I went to the theater.
I was disappointed. I thought the funny went overboard. I think they focused too much on the love stories and not enough on the more serious parts of the book. I was dealing with it, though. I was putting up with it - u
ntil the end, at which point I decided it was too much. They changed the plot rather extraordinarily in a bad way, I think. They left out some major stuff. I realize that they couldn't put everything into the movie, but I think they could have focused a little less on love and a little more on action. *Sigh.
There is one thing that I think they did well. I really liked what they did in regards to Malfoy. I think they nailed that part of the book and did a great job with him. That I did like.
I will probably forgive the director. I will probably like the movie soon. I already want it because I want to own them all. It was just disappointing to me in many respects, not only the ones I mentioned. That's why I think I was right to not want to read the books until seeing the movies. I know some people who have read the books and think that this movie is the best one so far, so hopefully you will agree with them and not with me. I think I must be the book Nazi that a friend of mine accused me of being.